Distance: ~46 miles
Time: ~3:00
*** EXACT time and distance coming in EXACTLY one day ***
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: 5 miles
Ex Time: 37:56
HR Avg: 157
Weather: low 80's
Route: Cheeseman Park extended lunch loop counterclockwise
Mom Got A Tattoo!
My mom got her first (and I guarantee, ONLY!) tattoo this weekend. My good friend Aries was in town to do a guest spot at Sol Tribe, and was kind enough to fit her into his busy schedule.
Sunday morning conversation with Bella:
Me: Grandma got a tattoo last night!
Bella: Did it hurt?
Me: Well, she sure didn't act like it hurt.
Bella: Is that because she's so old?
1:54 PM
Labels: aries rhysing, mom, tattoo
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: 5 miles
Ex Time: 37:52
HR Avg: 157
Weather: low 80's
Route: Cheeseman Park extended lunch loop
Soundtrack: Phish 08/15/2009 Columia, MD
Added mileage to the usual Cheeseman route to up this run to exactly five miles.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 35:45 (New record time. First time breaking 36 min.)
HR Avg: 161
Weather: 80, hell yeah
Route: Cheeseman Park lunch loop
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 40:16
HR Avg: 154 (what the?)
Weather: mid-80's
Route: Wash. Park lunch loop
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 36:10
HR Avg: 152 (seriously?)
Weather: Low 80's goodness
Route: Cheeseman Park lunch loop
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Fitness Log - Cycling
SSWC09 Training! Yeah right, but the climb up Chimney Gulch and Windy Saddle is a miserable one on a geared bike, let alone a singlespeed. Apex and Enchanted Forest made me instantly forget about the climb and I practically had the trail to myself on this late afternoon ride.
Route: Chimney Gulch > Apex (w/ Enchanted Forest, OF COURSE!)
Time: Long goddamn climb, short goddamn descent!
Distance: Not long enough
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 40:11
HR Avg: 158
Weather: Sunny, 93 (what the?!)
Route: Wash. Park lunch loop
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I was just informed of a SSWC09 Friday night schedule change (improvement!). No, film festival. Yes, party in the woods at a secret location surrounded by singletrack, with free beer and cheap food.
Top five quotes I'd prefer not to hear...
- "....we're out of beer!..."
- "...I CAN'T FIND MY BIKE!...."
- "...where are my pants?..."
One might tend to imagine the evening looking something like this scene from the 2006 HFF...
High Five!
3:56 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 37:07
HR Avg: 158
Weather: Sunny, 90 (emmeffing hot!)
Route: Cheeseman Park lunch loop
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fitness Log - Run/Lift/Run
Fitness Log - Run/Lift/Run
Lunch run to gym and weights
Ex Time: ~45:00 minutes
Distance: ~2.5 miles
Weights: Abs, Biceps, Back
5:07 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Fitness Log - Run
Distance: ~5 miles
Ex Time: 37:26
HR Avg: 163
Weather: Sunny, 87 (hot as a motherfucker!)
Route: Cheeseman Park lunch loop
Monday, August 3, 2009
Fitness Log - Run/Lift/Run
Fitness Log - Run/Lift/Run
Lunch run to gym and weights
Ex Time: ~45:00 minutes
Distance: ~2.5 miles
Weights: Abs,Chest, Shoulders
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Fitness Log: Cycling
Quick Sunday Morning Ride
Distance: 28.72 miles
Route: RMANWR > CC > Platte Trail > 104th